Thursday, September 3, 2020

How far could ancient tribal traditions and religious beliefs be held Thesis

How far could old innate customs and strict convictions be held to fault for the issues between African countries for sure - Thesis Example ’ I accept that the proposed task has a lot of significance in the current setting where the universal connections between countries are in question and the fold of war is experiencing in numerous nations. As an understudy I am highly inspired by the universal relations of the countries. Despite the fact that I don’t have a lot of information in it, I accept that if the global ties between the countries are reinforced up, a great part of the issues among the countries will descend. The worldwide court has a prevalent job to direct the countries through harmony and security. In the field of worldwide equity, step by step, numerous issues identified with the infringing, fear mongering, regional question, and unfortunate rivalries between and among countries are ascending to a scary level. As this point is managing the current circumstances of the world and it has become a concentration for intrigue, I wish to take up this task. I accept that this examination has some sign ificance for contemplating. Most definitely I wish to have an exhaustive report on the point. The information about the different components of universal law and the usage of it in the current circumstance are to be considered. ... I accept that the part of global law and the procedures for settling the debates among the countries is a significant worry that the law should glance through. At commonly the global law has neglected to judicially execute the debates that rose up out of various pieces of the world. There ought to be sufficient explanation in the execution of law by the various organizations. I intend to give more weight on this viewpoint in my examination. It is certain that if at any point I get an opportunity to meet a specialist regarding this matter I would pose certain inquiries which is astounding in my psyche. Obviously the significant questions of mine will be in the improving of the global law. I need to know the how this law can take changes and how this law will discretionarily settle on choices on various issues that are coming up step by step. I might want to drill down a portion of the inquiries that I pose to the master. I will get some information about the move in that happened in t he global level as the ground-breaking countries think about this as an instrument of their matchless quality. It is additionally acceptable to get some information about the advanced changes that are to be there in the universal law. I propose to ask on how the global court can practice power in managing the predominant countries of the world. I will ask him what the changes are proposed by the universal law advisory group with respect to the up and coming components of psychological warfare in every nation. By posing numerous inquiries I accept that I will get an obvious thought on the worldwide law and its job in keeping up harmony among countries of the world. If at any time I was approached to get a book on their changes of International law I would recommend the article, ‘International Law in Times of Hegemony: Unequal Power and the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Email Etiquette

Email Etiquette Email Etiquette Email Etiquette By Ali Hale In the event that you work in an office, you most likely compose messages each day †to associates, to your chief, to customers. Regardless of whether you’re still at school, you’ll need to email your instructors sometimes (perhaps to argue for an exposition expansion, or to request help) †and numerous businesses currently expect continues and introductory letters to be sent by email. Thus, having the option to compose an expert, efficient email is a pivotal aptitude. Every day Writing Tips has just secured the email title, however the body of your message additionally matters. 1. Start with a welcome Your email should open by tending to the individual you’re writing to. Without a doubt, you can pull off forgetting about the welcome when you’re running off an email to your companion, yet efficient messages should start with: Dear Mr Jones, or Dear Professor Smith, (for somebody you don’t know well, particularly if they’re an unrivaled) Dear Joe, or Dear Mandy, (on the off chance that you have a working relationship with the individual) It’s fine to utilize â€Å"Hi Joe†, â€Å"Hello Joe† or simply the name followed by a comma (â€Å"Joe,†) in the event that you realize the individual well †composing â€Å"Dear Joe† to one of your colleagues will look odd! 2. Write in short sections Come to the heart of the matter †don’t sit around idly wavering. Split your email into two to four short sections, every one managing a solitary thought. Consider utilizing visual cues for additional lucidity, maybe in the event that you are: Posting a few inquiries for the beneficiary to reply Proposing various elective choices Clarifying the means that you’ll be doing Put a twofold line break, instead of an indent (tab), between sections. 3. Stick to one subject In the event that you have to keep in touch with somebody around a few distinct issues (for instance, if you’re giving your manager a report on Project X, approaching him for an audit meeting to talk about a payrise, and disclosing to him that you’ve got a doctor’s arrangement on Friday), at that point don’t put them all in a similar email. It’s difficult for individuals to monitor diverse email strings and discussions if subjects are scrambled up. 4. Use capitals suitably Messages ought to observe indistinguishable standards of accentuation from other composition. Capitals are regularly abused. Specifically, you should: Never compose an entire sentence (or more awful, an entire email) in capitals Continuously underwrite â€Å"I† and the main letter of formal people, places or things (names) Underwrite acronymns (USA, BBC, RSPCA) Continuously start sentences with a capital letter. This makes your email simpler to peruse: take a stab at retyping one of the messages you’ve got in ALL CAPS or all lower case, and perceive how much harder it is to follow! 5. Sign off the email For short inside organization messages, you can pull off simply putting a twofold space after your last section at that point composing your name. In the event that you’re composing a progressively formal email, however, it’s basic to close it suitably. Utilize Yours genuinely, (when you know the name of your recipient) and Yours loyally, (when you’ve tended to it to â€Å"Dear Sir/Madam†) for formal messages, for example, requests for employment. Utilize Best respects, or Kind respects, in most different circumstances. In any event, when writing to individuals you know well, it’s obliging to close down with something, for example, â€Å"All the best,† â€Å"Take care,† or â€Å"Have a decent day,† before composing your name. 6. Use a reasonable email signature Ideally this is sound judgment †however don’t pack your email signature with cites from your preferred TV appear, inspirational orator or clever companion. Do incorporate your name, email address, phone number and postal location (where suitable) †clearly, your organization may have a few rules on these. It makes it simple for your reporters to discover your contact subtleties: they don’t need to pull through for the main message you sent them, however can simply glance in the footer of any of your messages. Assembling everything Look at the accompanying two employment forms. The substance of the messages are indistinguishable †however who might you give the activity to? i’ve connected my resume I would be thankful on the off chance that you could understand it and hit me up at your most punctual accommodation. I have all the experience you are searching for †i’ve worked in a client confronting condition for a long time, I am skillful with ms office and I appreciate functioning as a component of a group. a debt of gratitude is in order for your time Or then again Dear Sir/Madam, I’ve joined my resume. I would be thankful in the event that you could understand it and hit me up at your most punctual comfort. I have all the experience you are searching for: I’ve worked in a client confronting condition for a long time I am equipped with MS office I appreciate filling in as a feature of a group A debt of gratitude is in order for your time. Yours dependably, Joe Bloggs Have you at any point gotten an actually seriously composed email? Or then again have you at any point been disclosed to you have to look over your own email composing? Offer your email decorum awfulness stories †and any of your tips †in the remarks! Need to improve your English shortly a day? Get a membership and begin getting our composing tips and activities day by day! Continue learning! Peruse the Business Writing class, check our famous posts, or pick a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and ToesThat versus WhichDrama versus Drama

Friday, August 21, 2020

Kino, a poor Indian fisherman Essay Example For Students

Kino, a poor Indian angler Essay Kino, a poor Indian angler, lives on the Gulf of California with his better half Juana and child Coyotito. Their straightforward cottage is made of brush, and the couple dozes on mats tossed on the soil floor, while Coyotito rests in a hanging box. Like others in their poor town, they rely upon nature for endurance. As The Pearl starts, first light is breaking. Kino watches the sun rise and tunes in to the hints of the morning. Yet, inside minutes, a perilous circumstance creates. A harmful scorpion stings Coyotito, Kinos newborn child, and the babys shouts draw individuals from everywhere throughout the town. Juana demands that the specialist be called, yet Kino realizes the doctor is Spanish and sees himself as above treating poor Indians. This doesn't fulfill Juana, who reports that on the off chance that the specialist won't go to the town, at that point they will go to his home. However, the specialist will not treat Coyotito in light of the fact that Kino is excessively poor. Soon thereafter, while Kino and Juana are angling in the Gulf, Kino finds a tremendous pearl and shouts out in delight. He accepts the pearl will make him rich and empower him to give security to his family. In any case, Kino finds in any case. The pearl blends envy in the townspeople, and that night Kino is assaulted in his cottage by a hoodlum. The next day, he attempts to offer the pearl to purchasers around, however he is offered just a limited quantity of cash for it. The purchasers all work for a similar man. They realize the pearl merits a fortune however want to get it inexpensively by imagining that it is worth little. Kino says he will sell his pearl in the capital city, where he accepts he will get a reasonable cost. This astonishes the locals since Kino has never voyage up until now. After dim that night, Kino is assaulted once more. Juana is certain the pearl is abhorrent and will crush the family. During the night, she discreetly expels it from the spot where Kino has concealed it and attempts to toss it once again into the sea. He stops her before she succeeds and beats her for attempting. As he comes back to the hovel, Kino is assaulted once more, this time by two men. He slaughters one of them, and different getaways. On account of the executing, Kino realizes that he will be pursued as a killer. Accordingly, he and Juana must leave the town the following morning. Be that as it may, before they can get away from their kayak is wrecked and their cottage is scorched. They cover up until the following night in the hovel of Kinos sibling, Juan Tomas. The next night, Kino and Juana start their excursion to the capital. Before long they understand they are being trailed by three individuals, so they escape up the mountain and stow away in a little cavern. Their adherents set camp in a clearing just underneath the cavern. Kino chooses the best way to endure is for him to execute the individual careful, take his rifle, and murder the other two, who are resting. Kino goes to the adherents camp and is going to assault them when his child Coyotito shouts out. Kino realizes that he should act promptly upon his foes, yet he is a second past the point of no return and one of them shoots toward the cavern. There is a battle and Kino executes each of the three of his foes. The prior shot has executed Coyotito. The next evening the townspeople witness the arrival of Kino and Juana, conveying the rifle and their dead youngster. Without a word to anybody, they stroll through the town to the shore. Kino sets out the rifle, takes out the pearl, and tosses it into the ocean. .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46 , .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46 .postImageUrl , .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46 , .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46:hover , .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46:visited , .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46:active { border:0!important; } .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; progress: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46:active , .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46:hover { haziness: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-change: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: relati ve; } .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content adornment: underline; } .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; text style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-outskirt sweep: 3px; content adjust: focus; content design: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: outright; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9c b2f819f5a46 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u5d8bbbf2e59d09ce4ff9cb2f819f5a46:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: Problem Solving (school clothing standard) EssayIt is hard to become acquainted with the characters in The Pearl similarly you may become acquainted with the characters in different books. They state practically nothing, and you see them in barely any circumstances. Their activities appear to be founded more on old propensities than on free decision. Like in one of his different books that I have reed, Of Mice and Men, the characters were not grown altogether and remained as a greater amount of images than genuine characters in the story. In any case, the solid symbolization made by the pearl is an extraordinary advantage for the story . The pearl in the story has a solid figurative message to the peruser about human avarice. Kino turns into an image of the poor however upbeat man who is pulverized when he gets fixated on his wantings of the material world. The pearl that should bring him bliss and happiness brings him just demise and obliteration. Toward the finish of the, the two Kinos dream and his child are dead.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Best Essays For College Students

Reading is a non-negotiable for college students. Whether it is reading for a quiz, for research, or for recitation, college students always need to have their noses in books as a daily requirement in their college life. Those who dissent or lag behind face the consequence of failure. With reading becoming an increasingly arduous task over the course of the years, it becomes unattractive to some students.Instead of an avenue of information, it is perceived as a source of stress. It is understandable: the stress of having to finish an entire chapter of a book is sometimes a drag. It might be too long; it might be too loaded with information, making it too much to take in. Essays, for instance, can be so long or loaded that reading them induces boredom and stress.Reading does not have to be limited by requirements, however. There are famous essays that are a great joy to read, particularly because college students are able to relate to them easily. Reading these essays can also help th e average college student obtain insights that are contained not only within the essays themselves but also in relation to other essays. Whether you are a college student or not, these essays are definitely worth reading and pondering.Self-Reliance by Ralph Waldo EmersonThe average college student would proclaim that the major he is taking is what he chose for himself, but is that really true? Are there other possible factors that compelled him to choose his major, such as his parents, his friends, or society as a whole? Those questions in mind are what 19th century American philosopher Ralph Waldo Emerson addressed in Self-Reliance, which is considered one of the best American essays to-date.Emerson was a stark advocate of transcendentalism. He pioneered the idea of the individual seeking the truth and happiness within himself, denouncing the idea of depending on institutions and other conglomerates for those same regards. Emerson was attempting to criticize the incessant control o f the government and organized religion of his time over the general public.His essay, Self-Reliance, was the culmination of those beliefs in mind. College students may be turned off right away the moment they read the first paragraph. The semantics he used in the essay are understandably difficult. They do not bear great semblance to the writing style used today, which many can easily understand.However, if one looks through the difficulty of reading the essay, they will be able to appreciate how dynamic writing can be and the common writing style that was prominent during Emersons time.More importantly, they will be transported to a world of insight and inspiration. One of the reasons why Emersons Self-Reliance is considered one of the best essays of all time is that paved the way for the notion of individualism as the sole means for a person to achieve true happiness and growth. No longer should individuals confine themselves to societys normsthey look to themselves for their dre ams.His essay reverberates even more so todayespecially in college students. It manifests through the growing empowerment of the individual, that he may be respected and praised for acting on his own accord. The entire reading cannot just be fully accepted at face value, however. While Emerson certainly meant well in his advocacy for the individual to rise up for himself, he was bordering towards the nullification of institutions in general, having the individual relying solely on himself to explore the truth. The reason why Emersons Self-Reliance is shown here is not only so that the average college student can be affirmed for his beliefs of himself as the only one who can carve his own destiny, but also that he should be critical of everything that he reads. Institutions are important; in fact, institutions are what perpetuated the study of Emersons works today and allowed them to be considered among the best essays ever writtena humorous irony, to say the least.This does not mean that his works should be dismissed as outdated and meaningless. Emersons workand his philosophy as a wholemakes for an excellent discourse for fostering the value of critical thinking. It lies among the foundations of individualism as it is known today. His essay can serve as fuel for people to see it in themselves to be happy and to grow comfortable in their own skin.Moreover, it can serve as an impetus for introspection for the average college student. Some questions that you can think of as you read the essay can be:Why did I choose my major?What compelled me to study in my current university?What choices did I make because I wanted to?For his messages to be truly appreciated, of course you have to read the actual essay itself. What was discussed here is a preface to reading the essaya summary, overview, and forewarning when one reads Emersons essay.Reflections On The Right Use Of School Studies With A View To The Love Of God by Simone WeilA longstanding belief that many college students have about studies is that it is an endurance test, a matter of willpowera test of paying attention the longest to the professor or in doing the homework. Is studying really all about shoving your faces in the books as long as you can each day? 20th century French philosopher Simone Weil answered this in her essayit will be referred to as Reflections here for short.Weil provides a groundwork of understanding and approaching studies as a whole. As a preface, her discussion is predominantly Christian, though it does not discount the points she made in her essay.Reflections establishes a connection between prayer and studies through the presence of attention. In the former, it is attention to communing with God. In the latter, it is attention to the study material and the subject.Attention to studies is not one out of sheer willpower, as the majority of students see it. For Weil, willpower has no place in studies. At the very least, it serves to needlessly tire the students; at worst, it turns them into uncreative drones of the subject, capable only of parroting what they are taught and never producing any more than that.Weil, instead, proposed the desire to learn, not just one or a few particular subject matters. Even less so must the student have a talent in a subject. A student must incline himself to desire to learn all things. He does not need to be good or talented at any of the subjects, either. He need only tap into the joy of learningthe desire to learn regardless of what the subject is.It is in this manner does someone truly become a student. It is not the pursuit of a passing mark that should drive a studentit is the pursuit of knowledge and truth, fuelled by attention and desire, that must drive him.Though Reflections is predominantly Christian in its themes and its goals, its substance is nevertheless invaluable and applicable to students irrespective of their beliefs, or lack thereof. As you read the essay, you can find, for example, that the joy of learning is not an obscure sentiment. Whenever you learn something new and simple and you succeed in executing it, like in cooking or gardening, you will find yourself not only feeling fulfilled but also wanting to learn more about that craft.This desire to learn more about the craft is not to be isolated to that craft alone. As you engage in other craftsas Simone Weil hopedyou will come to the realization that each individual craft is connected together in a network of unity and knowledge. You can find, for instance, how the knowledge of cooking methods harmoniously coheres with the knowledge of chemical reactions as manifested in the deep-frying of pre-cut potatoes to create French fries.Weil wrote this as a way for the individual to supplement himself in his quest to love God and His creation as a whole, created in balance and in connection with one another. Despite being Christian in its intended themes, this message is universally applicable and transcends belief sys tems.For the agnostic, secularist, or atheist, for example, he may find solace in the logic of how physics and chemistry dictate that all matter is composed of molecules and chemical reactions that allow the objects that we see, exist as the way they appear and take shape now. Regardless of anyones beliefs, the benefits to be reaped lie in the enthralling satisfaction of learning, the process by which it is acquired, and the zest to go deeper. These two factors should always be there when it comes to studies: attention to the material and the desire to study it.As with Self-Reliance, Reflections is best appreciated when you conduct your own reading on it. You can take the discussion above as a preface. Most definitely, if not for its substance, you can take Reflections as one of the creative nonfiction essays to read for its upbeat tone and imagery.What it means to be a studentWhether you are a freshman just starting out with college or anupcoming senior, you should add these two es says as a must-read in your summer reading list. They can serve as preliminaries not only to other similarly themed essay; by and large, these can serve as preliminaries to establishing an effectivework ethic and outlook in your college life.At the heart of these essays is the mission to kindle the fire that is self-value and the joy of learning. Together, they are the key to launching the college student into astate of passion and productivity, rejuvenated not by the power of will but by his own desire to learn anything and everything. Being a student is not confined with residence in an institutionbeing a student is tointerrelate with life.The next time you read another book or essay, do not think that you are doing it for a classthink that you are doing it for yourself.Essay writing service for college studentsThe joy of learning is the key for a person to grow. It is the prime component of how we at make our craftthrough writing with an unquenchable thirst for learning. This in clination is why thousands of students rely on us throughout the years as a reliable academic writing service. Are you in need of an essay writing service to help tap into your joy of learning? Consult our writing experts for content that is brimming with passion, evidenced by custom essays, custom term papers, custom research papers that will be your personal property for life. For the best academic help and custom written papers, seek our assistance.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Immigration And The United States - 1218 Words

Many of you are aware of the immigration issue we are facing on a day to day basis. There are many opinions regarding immigration and immigrants but it is time for some facts to be brought to the public eye. Firstly, who are immigrants? When most of us think of the term immigrants Latin American individuals come to our mind or cheap laborers who don’t speak our language. Technically speaking, all of our ancestors were immigrants. The English language itself is a derived from the Germanic language. Ethnic background should not matter in the quality of a person and all the racist comments and views on immigrants are really contradictory, seeing as everyone in the United States has a different amount of diversity in their ancestry. Every†¦show more content†¦Many people use the excuse that they dislike immigrants because they are stealing American jobs and not benefitting society. That is a completely false statement. Whether immigrants crossed the border legally or not , they provide a benefit for the economy. This is called specialization of labor. The fact of the matter is that immigrants are yearning to come the United States to work. Since they are so willing to do jobs that Americans are usually too lazy to do, this allows the United States to afford cheaper food and better services. Taxes, entitlements, and spending are what has caused the economy to down spiral, not immigrants. One of President Obama’s guidelines to gaining citizenship of the U.S.A is paying taxes. You would be surprised to know that an estimated 8 million illegal immigrants have paid taxes including income, Medicare and Social Security according to As Reason Foundation Senior Analyst Shikha Dalmia. Social Security revenue alone is about 11 billion a year from illegal immigrants. Obviously immigrants and everyone, in general, are going to buy items. This means that immigrants, legal or illegal are paying sale taxes. How is this not helping our economy? It is benefiti ng our country and ourselves in so many ways. It is a fact that ven more illegal immigrants would pay taxes if they didn’t have to worry about the consequences, such as possible deportation. This shouldn’t be a worry families and individuals face on a daily basis. Most

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Why Dont We Listen Better Book Review Essay - 1655 Words

Running Head: Book Review Practical Book Review: Why Don’t We Listen Better? By James C. Peterson Angelia Godette Liberty University HSER 508 Practical Book Review: Why Don’t We Listen Better? By James C. Petersen Listening is a very complicated skill that many people do not posses. It requires individuals to reflect and to admit to their flaws. In order to communicate effectively it is important to know when to talk and listen. Peterson’s book is an excellent tool to enhance all types of relationships. SUMMARIZE! Petersen, J. C. (2007). Why don’t we listen better? Communicating and connecting in relationships. Tigard, OR: Petersen Publications. Peterson’s uses a variety of situation and scenarios to support†¦show more content†¦My husband and I are both two very defensive people always struggling to get our point of view across. We communicated just like to attorneys in a court room trying to win, as he described in his group. Instead of listening and trying to understand what each other is feeling we jump right into our own emotions. I remember once I told my husband I was sick of him telling me what to do. Automatically he responded by telling all the things I don’t do. We eventually began to attack each other and began to bring up other things about each other that bother us. It was an extremely frustrating experience. While reading I began to think, â€Å"I’m going about this whole communicating and listening thing all wrong†. I be gan to think how things would have went differently if I would have been educated on the proper ways to express my feelings and listen to his. It was strange but I felt a small feeling of guilt (my stomach speaking of course). I was very anxious to share my new found wisdom with my husband, but decided to wait and maybe lead by example. The â€Å"One fish story at time† part of the book reminded of husbands. He is a very good story teller, but tends to hog the spot light. When we first met we would tell stories from our childhood and I every time I would begin to tell a story he cut me off and begin telling another story of his own. It made me laugh to see much this book attained to me. REFLECT! After reading andShow MoreRelatedPractical Book Review Why Dont We Listen Better by James Petersen1624 Words   |  7 PagesPractical Book Review One: James Petersen Presented to Dr. Marcus Tanner Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Lynchburg, VA In Partial fulfillment Of the requirements for the course PACO 500 Introduction to Pastoral Counseling By Margaret Tlusty February, 2012 HEY! My Summary Petersen, James C.2007. Why don’t we listen better? Communicating and connecting in relationships. Tigard, OR: Petersen Publications. James Petersen (2007) uses five parts to describe theRead MoreBook Review: Why Dont We Listen Better1159 Words   |  5 Pagesbook review: Why don’t we listen better Presented to Dr. Mario Garcia In partial fulfillment of the requirements of Introduction to Pastoral Counseling PACO 500 Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary Lynchburg, VA Feburary 3, 2013 PRACTICAL BOOK REVIEW: PETERSEN My Summation: James Petersen’s book Why Don’t We Listen Better, is a true guide in making relationships better with better communication. This book does not just help people communicate better in a work environmentRead MorePractical Book Review Final Draft1348 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿ Practical Book Review Petersen Text 201440 Fall 2014 HSCO 508-D35 LUO Zakiya N Walters Practical Book Review Why Don’t We Listen Better? Summarize Why Don’t We Listen Better? is a book that I initially did not think I would enjoy reading or learn from. Contrarily, I have learned more about myself than I could have ever imagined. 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I told her Im like the rookie ball player who listens to, and then internalizes, what the press is saying about him: to wit, that he will break the home run record, if not this year, then surely the next. Does he, for one moment, reflect that the presss job is to sell newspapers and theyre notoriousRead MorePortfolio 2, Writing Assignment 2 â€Å"The Best Dang Five-Paragraph Essay Ever† Shawn T. Smith’s â€Å"The800 Words   |  4 Pagestendencies, and otherwise work against us in functional pursuits. It helps us to understand why we develop anxiety and depression. He suggests us struggling against unhappy anxious thoughts and make friends with our minds. Smith states â€Å"your mind is not supposed to make you happy it’s supposed to help you survive.† The brain has bad habits one is avoiding new experiences two is our brain looks for problems that don’t exist. Smith states that the mind is built in such a way that most of its functions andRead MoreMeta Cognitive Observation1736 Words   |  7 Pagesa child in kindergarten or younger, follow this procedure. Tell child that you are going to say a list of 10 words, and you want the child to remember the words and you’ll ask the child to repeat the list in a little while. Remind the child to listen closely, and then say the list slowly (about one word every second or two). Ask the child the following series of questions: How many words do you think you will remember? What do you need to do to remember the words? Are you good at rememberingRead MoreBeing Mortal : Medicine And What Matters753 Words   |  4 PagesAtul Gawande’s book Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End presses on an extremely difficult subject: death. Gawande talks about the need to confront death and not ignore it by taking steps in having a meaningful and satisfying end. Readers say that Gawande does demand a lot from people and the book is eye opening but it does not have a guide to having a better end in life. I agree that Gawande is demanding a lot but people still to listen to him but I think Gawande does give a guideRead MoreThe Problem Of Pop Culture1503 Words   |  7 Pagesworld we live in each and every day. Think about education. At first thought, your mind may not make the connection between the newest Taylor Swift song and the highest ACT score, but the linkage between the two becomes undeniable when you dive deeper. Ponder this: each day millions of kids walk into school buildings across the United States, each of them glued to a little slice of pop culture, a.k.a. their phone. And each day these millions of kids sit in poster-plastered classrooms and â€Å"listen† toRead MoreMonroe’s Motivated Sequence Speech Eating Breakfast1391 Words   |  6 Pageshappens when the people involved talk and listen in ways that maximize the presence of the personal (p. 33). In the information age, we have to send, receive, and process huge numbers of messages every day. But effective communication is about more than just exchanging information. Effective communication requires you to also understand the emotion behind the information. 4. Introduction Continued †¦ Nearly every aspect of human life could be improved by better listening -- from family matters to corporate

Becoming an Fbi Agent free essay sample

In order to apply if there is no entry level position, o would have to apply in the following programs; accounting, computer science/ information technology, language, and law or diversified. Other additional requirements are exceptional academic credentials and foreign language abilities. The criteria for being hired are to have one of the following programs that the FBI offers. Applicants will also have to go through physical fitness and extensive FBI background investigation. They would also have to pass a hearing and vision test. Yes it is very possible and it will happen that an applicant will have to be relocated. The FBI will relocate agents to different areas where the agent is mostly needed. Most of the FBI agents who get the place that they want are agents who have been in the field for a long time. The new agents are the one who get relocated the most. I found this position very Interesting because I want to help people. We will write a custom essay sample on Becoming an Fbi Agent or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I also want to make sure that our nation Is safe for me and my kids. I also found It Interesting based of my favorite TV show Criminal Minds. This position Is related to my potential career path of criminals. Without criminals actives law enforcement would not be needed.Innocent people would be scared to walk the streets all times of the days. Yes they are, because I will be able to work with other people In my field. I will be able to see how different people act In different situations. I will also be able to with people with different backgrounds. Yes I believe It will be satisfactory. It will allow me to be able to support my family as well as myself. It will also help needed families In need of much help. It would help fund programs for kids who are on the streets and who need guides. Becoming an Fbi Agent By CommonplacenessI found this position very interesting because I want to help people. I also want to make sure that our nation is safe for me and my kids. I also found it interesting This position is related to my potential career path of criminals. Without criminals Yes they are, because I will be able to work with other people in my field. I will be able to see how different people act in different situations. I will also be able to with Yes I believe it will be satisfactory. It will allow me to be able to support my family as well as myself. It will also help needed families in need of much help.